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Addresses API - Match Codes
Feature request
Completed August 07, 2022

As part of using the Addresses API 2.0, I would like to know how each token (element of an address) matched from my input to the matched address. Ideally, this information is more than binary. It should explain how the token matched, not just that it did or didn't match.


A new and improved Match Codes. For each separate token of the address on the input, how does it match the token on the matched address. A token can match in many different ways, and we're now describing how they match into different classifications. These classifications aim to describe the relationship.

Match Code Classifications:

  • "exact" = The tokens match exactly. There is no material difference between the input and the output
  • "no" = The tokens don't match at all. 
  • "close" = The tokens are both numbers and are within +- 10 of each other
  • "fuzzy" = The tokens match, but there was a spelling mistake on the input
  • "alias" = The tokens match, but the match was to an alias record (normally a locality)
  • "alias_fuzzy" = The tokens match, but the match was to an alias, and there was a spelling mistake
  • "in_range" = The tokens don't match, but the input did fall inside a ranged address
  • "neighbour" = The tokens match, but the match was to a neighbour record (normally a locality)
  • "neihbour_fuzzy" = The tokens match, but the match was to a neighbour, and there was a spelling mistake
Thank you for your feedback.
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